Tuesday, April 2, 2019

What's Growing: April

blossoms on the plum tree

I knew I had slowed down on my gardening - life gets busy and full.  But looking back at what was growing April 2015 is a little embarrassing.  

Here's a comparison as to what I have growing in 2019.

Arugula - overwintered and transplanted.  I'm not sure if they will grow or bolt.

Asparagus - not up yet

Blueberry - flowering

Celery - planted from kitchen scraps but having trouble establishing.  The ones from last year didn't overwinter well.  I suspect varmints.

Garlic - overwintered and starting to come back. https://www.instagram.com/p/BuxNZtelYCf/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet

Grape - pruned, no buds

Kale - Didn't overwinter.  Planted in March.

Nasturtium - wasn't successful last year

Onion- planted in March

Oregano - overwintered and coming back

Pea - will plant in April

Plum - blooming

Potato - they won't grow! We even dug out the potato bed last year and took out a ton of tree roots.  The tree roots are back but I suspect some kind of varmint.  https://www.instagram.com/p/BluLPZzBm4z/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet

Raspberry - this year's canes aren't quite coming up yet

Rosemary - overwintered 

Rutabaga - the few that overwintered are being eaten by slugs. yuck.

Spinach - just planted in March

Strawberry - overwintered but weak

Thyme - overwintered but weak

New to this list:

Brussel sprouts - overwintered and gave some nice sprouts but are now bolting.  I will save seeds!

Chives - perennial herb 

Greenbeans - planted in March

Lettuce - planted in March

Marionberry and Loganberry - pruned but no new canes yet.

This will be my 7th summer gardening this land (mini-farm).  I have added and lost bees.  I have added and lost and added chickens.  We have cats and a dog.  I grow less seed crops and more perennials.  I have noticed seasonal clues to planting (like when the daffodils come up).  Each year is a bit different.  Each harvest unique.  All are enjoyable.  Planting is a passion I will not easily give up.  Cheers to 2019!  Let's see what the season holds.

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