Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Already But Not Yet

Already but not yet is a theological concept the internet tells me was developed by Gerhardus Vos early in this century (thank you internet).  It’s the idea that the kingdom of God is both already come (present) and not yet here (future).  Today you will be with me in Paradise says Jesus to the thief on the cross (Luke 23:43).  And yet… here we are… 2000 years later and time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’ into the future (Steve Miller Band, 1976).  But the work is done.  Jesus has conquered death, we have entered into a new reality of freedom from the law – we’re there!  But… also, not quite yet. 

It’s not the only paradox in Christianity. 

If this is still not making 100% sense to you, I had an already but not yet experience today that may help.

I really want to buy a house, right, we’ve already covered this.  So, I am seeing my current house as if we are moving in, like, 30 days.  I’ve scheduled a big yard sale at the end of April and that has me in over-drive to get enough items to make the sale worthwhile.  My eyes scan my house continually looking for items to purge. 

“Do I love this picture?  Nah, sell it.”  Marie Kondo and Niecy Nash would be proud of me.

So I am ALREADY in move-mode.  I’m cleaning out the freezer and the pantry. I’m not planting summer crops (yet).  I’m keeping my schedule open.  I am ready.  I am there.  I am motivated.  I am mentally, emotionally already moving. 


The not yet comes because I don’t actually have a house to move into yet.  I’m anticipating. I’m prepared.  But I don’t have an actual destination yet.

This reminds me so much of the kingdom of God!  I know Jesus has conquered death.  I know I’m headed to eternity with him.  I am anticipating it.  I am ready for it.  I am expecting it. But I’m not there yet.

In the meantime, what do I do?  I look around; I live life with kingdom eyes.  Instead of looking for stuff to purge and pack, I’m looking for people to love.  Instead of trying to empty the pantry, I’m asking myself how can I seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly (Micah 6:8)?

The kingdom of God is HERE – it is in the people who love and serve God!  And it is coming soon!

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