Saturday, April 11, 2015

What's Growing: April

Here's a look at what's growing in my garden in April.

Blueberry - check out the baby blueberries!
Potato - overwintered and Spring-planted are both up and happy
Grape - huge buds
Nasturtium - self-seeded last year
Garlic - overwintered and going strong
Oregano - overwintered and going strong
Spinach - overwintered and survived the slugs!
Celery - planted from kitchen scraps in the early Spring
Kale - overwintered, but full of aphids
Strawberry - overwintered and blossoming
Pea - planted a few weeks ago
Thyme - overwintered
Raspberry - this year's canes are coming up

Other updates

Plum - baby plums appearing
Asparagus - starting to fade out
Onion- overwintered and bolting, so I need to pull them.  They just get too confused overwintering in Oregon
Arugula - overwintered and bolting.  I plan on saving seeds
Rutabaga - a few overwintered and bolted.  I plan on saving seeds
Rosemary - overwintered and flowering

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