Saturday, April 11, 2015

Salamander ID

I love finding wildlife in my garden.  It makes me feel like I'm doing something right.  Lawn is not a healthy ecosystem.  You're not likely to find awesome spiders and salamanders in amongst your grass.  This is my third summer working in my garden and this is the spring of the salamander.  They are out in abundance and I take it as a big complement. 

Why do I care?  Why does it matter to me?  Why does it matter to the garden? 


Does it make more sense to fight and strong-arm a world-wide system or work within the system using it's pathways to attain your goals?

My garden has pests just like every other garden. But I don't have the time or skill to manage them as well as a fleet of hungry predators.  Salamanders, especially, tend to be a bit on the delicate/sensitive side.  So, when I find them rooting around, I'm especially honored.

But I'm relatively new to the west coast and it's flora and fauna so this guy is hard to ID.  If anyone has some insights, I'd love to hear them.

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