Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August Day

Another August day.  A great time in the garden.  This morning dawned with a cloudy drizzle.  A nice surprise in the middle of August.  The tomatoes and squash don't love it; but I do appreciate the reprieve from blazing August heat.  The kids and I took advantage of it by heading outside to give the garden the once-over.

First on the agenda: cherry tomatoes.  I love cherry tomatoes.  They ripen quickly, are easy to pick, and taste delicious.  They are also bite-sized and perfect for snacking.  It's a little too bad that both my kiddos say, "yuck" every time they bite a tomato.  But I selfishly don't care - it means Mommy doesn't have to share.  We picked a few buckets full and discovered the most beautiful yellow garden spider hanging out in the morning mist.  What a beauty!  Black and yellow with red legs.  It made my heart especially glad because in my mind, if my garden ecosystem can support such a gorgeous predator, I feel like I have a good thing going.  Go Nature!

We checked the peas- nothing.  Maybe the few days of blazing heat got them.  Peas are not hot fans.

Checked the beans.  A few of those.  I wish more of my beans had sprouted... dang beans.

Checked the corn.  Picked a few ears for lunch.  Corn is almost done.  Only a few ears left.  I've really had a corn craving this summer.  I might have to plant double next year.

Noticed that the potatoes were peeking out of the ground in a few spots.  Very peculiar.  Guess I'll have to do some digging soon.  In the meantime, I re-covered them with dirt as best I could.  Potatoes do NOT do well in sunlight.  They turn green and you're not supposed to eat the green parts.  Green is toxic in potatoes.  I also borrowed some rutabaga leaves for extra shade.  Hopefully that won't make them rot.

Slugs were out enjoying the cloudy day.  The kids had a great time rounding them up, though they missed the giant spotted one somehow.  How can something without legs be so quick?

I harvested and hung the rest of the mustard.  I also picked about 8 more rutabagas but I left the greens this time.  I still have fresh greens from last week.  I'll save myself the work this week.  I also found one good-sized beet.  I definitely need more of those next year! 

We headed in for snack by 9:30am.  Plenty of time left in the morning to roast the tomatoes, corn, and rutabagas and make salsa fresca.

Roasted Tomatoes

Tomatoes, halved
Onion, diced
salt and pepper
Garlic, minced (optional)

halve tomatoes and place skin-side-up on a baking sheet.  Drizzle with oil, sprinkle salt and pepper.  Roast for ~45 minutes at ~ 400 degrees.

Tomatoes can then be used, refrigerated, or frozen for when needed.

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