Saturday, April 11, 2015

Compost... something to be jealous of

I don't have too many things in my life that I can point to and say, "That is something to be jealous of!" but my compost rocks!  I have to give props to my wonderful husband who built these recycled-pallet compost 3-bins.  They work great, hold a lot, and don't require much maintenance.

Good compost is exciting!  It just makes sense.  It cuts down on your trash, keeps the landfills more clear, and results in an awesome product that every garden needs.

So how do you make good compost? 

What goes in:  Anything from plants... kitchen scraps, paper, cardboard, yard debris, paper napkins... 

MUST have a good amount of browns.  GREENS get slimy (think grass clippings or lettuce).  BROWNS add the structure... paper, cardboard, I put in oatmeal containers, paper napkins, twigs, and sticks...

AIR... if it's stinky, it needs more air.  Now, how do you give it air?  Well... grab a shovel, Baby, or a pitchfork.  BUT, if you have enough structure in there, i.e. BROWNS, then you won't need to deal with that.  I am aggressive with my BROWNS so I rarely have to deal with stink or turning.  However, the more you turn and get that air in there, the faster your compost will break down.

MOISTURE... if it dries out, it's going to stop breaking down.  So, if you're watering your plants, water your compost too.  BUT, in Oregon, sloppy-wet compost is more often the problem.  Yuck.

HEAT... put it in a sunny spot.  The sun will warm it.  As it warms, the microbiota will explode and get the decomposition happening.

And that's about it. 

I flip mine in Spring and again in Fall.  As I flip, I throw chunks back into the system and put the fine particles into the wheelbarrow for garden use.

Here's how the compost looked in January.

And that, is how you get something, truly, to be jealous of.  You can buy it, but it's MUCH more satisfying to have it made in your own backyard.

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