Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Kale and Hazelnut Pesto

KALE!  My garden is exploding in kale.  It's a tasty super-food to be sure, but what do you do with all that kale?

One solution...  Kale and Hazelnut Pesto.

Hazelnuts are also in season.  These hazelnuts were collected from the orchard behind my house.  Here is a basic pesto recipe.  Pesto can be made and frozen for a quick dinner later this Fall.


Leafy green  (basil, kale, spinach, or even mint work well)
Nut (hazelnuts and pine nuts work well)
Oil (olive oil is preferred)
Salt and Pepper
Grated cheese (any hard cheese such as parmesan)

Put all ingredients into a food processor and process until desired consistency.  You will need a LOT of leafy greens and less nuts.  I like to omit the cheese to keep it a bit more fresh and leafy tasting. 

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