Thursday, September 4, 2014

Italian Prune Plums

These longer, less-juicy plums can be correctly called prunes, though I have no idea why.  I do know how excited I got putting them up in sweet syrup and cooking them down into lovely plum jam. 

Plums in Syrup

Plums, halved, pits removed
2 Cups Sugar
3 Cups Water

Pack plums tightly into your containers.  If you cut them and sugar them in the refrigerator the night before, they pack more tightly and easily.  I canned my plums in a heavier syrup 'cause I don't want to mess around with blah, un-sweet plums in a few months.  Plus, heavy syrup can always be used for some yummy concoction. 

Plum Jam

Plums, halved, pits removed
Sugar, for taste and thickening.

Cook plums down and add sugar.  If you weigh your plums, you can get precise amounts of sugar to add.  Or you can just taste it and wait for it to thicken.  Follow USDA approved recipes for food safety.

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