Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blossoms, Bees, and Joy

Blossoms are beginning to appear.  Spring is sneaking in.  Last year at this time, I was way ahead of myself in my garden work.  I was anxious for Spring to arrive and for the garden to begin needing me again.  This year, I am wary to fall into that trap.  Not that I didn't enjoy my toils last Winter/Spring, but they yielded nothing except work for work's sake and maybe a bit of exercise.  This year, content with my household putterings inside, I want to do what work is needed; but I do not feel the need to squander excess time and energy.  And yet, a part of me worries that I am already falling behind.  My bees were completely neglected for December and January.  I gave them the occasional close-eye.  But I did not do a thorough inspection nor any supplemental feedings.  I was more than a little nervous when I took advantage of this sunny week to do a hive inspection.  Much to my joy and amazement, the bees were in terrific shape!  My queen was laying nice patterns and they had about 5 frames of honey.  Now, that is joy.  Welcome Spring, welcome blossoms, but don't rush; come at your own pace.


Spring must be here, because the asparagus are peeking.  To celebrate, I bought a lovely bunch at the grocery store and roasted them up tonight.  Asparagus are a perennial crop so plant them once and enjoy for years to come. Minimal space and care needed - just a dedicated spot.

Roasted Asparagus

Salt and Pepper (I like fresh-ground)
Vinegar (I like Balsamic)

Lay asparagus on a baking sheet.  Drizzle with oil and vinegar and season with salt and pepper.  Broil for about 10 minutes.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Pasta Puttanesca

I made the most deliciously satisfying Pasta Puttanesca tonight.  What a great way to use up those roasted tomatoes I had in the freezer.  Now if only I had frozen some fresh parsley.  Luckily, the oregano is still growing strong outside. 

Pasta Puttanesca

Long pasta such as spaghetti
Olive oil
2+ cloves garlic, minced
Parsley, chopped
Anchovy paste or fish sauce
Red Pepper flakes
Tomatoes (defrosted or canned)
Parmesan, grated

Bring water to boil and cook pasta to 'al dente' directions. 

While the pasta cooks, saute the garlic until fragrant.  Add herbs, capers, and anchovy paste and saute for two more minutes.  Add tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes.  Combine with drained pasta and top with grated cheese.