Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blossoms, Bees, and Joy

Blossoms are beginning to appear.  Spring is sneaking in.  Last year at this time, I was way ahead of myself in my garden work.  I was anxious for Spring to arrive and for the garden to begin needing me again.  This year, I am wary to fall into that trap.  Not that I didn't enjoy my toils last Winter/Spring, but they yielded nothing except work for work's sake and maybe a bit of exercise.  This year, content with my household putterings inside, I want to do what work is needed; but I do not feel the need to squander excess time and energy.  And yet, a part of me worries that I am already falling behind.  My bees were completely neglected for December and January.  I gave them the occasional close-eye.  But I did not do a thorough inspection nor any supplemental feedings.  I was more than a little nervous when I took advantage of this sunny week to do a hive inspection.  Much to my joy and amazement, the bees were in terrific shape!  My queen was laying nice patterns and they had about 5 frames of honey.  Now, that is joy.  Welcome Spring, welcome blossoms, but don't rush; come at your own pace.

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