Saturday, January 24, 2015

These Are The Hands...

These are the hands.  These are the hands of a gardener.  These are the hands of a gardener, who hasn't been out in her garden! Aaahh, I'm almost too mortified to post this.  Look at those nails- clean, long, no dirt, no knicks... it's shameful.

Most Januarys I'm chomping at the bit.  Doing little projects to get my fresh air and dirt - fix.  This January I'm hibernating, and for the most part, I'm content!  What is happening to me?  I can't blame the weather.  It has been extra cold at times, but also extra warm.  The rain has not been oppressive.  Yet, the mud has been a deterrent.  Cleaning up globs of mud stuck to boots, pants, rugs, steps.  blah!  I'm just not into it this year.

I also blame my "householding life."  The canning and food preservation really took on new scope this year and I have derived pleasure from using my stores. Garlic, squashes, and potatoes cured; and tomatoes, cucumbers, and kale frozen and canned... delightful.

So, perhaps that is what it is.  I won't feel shame from my lack of mud-crusted boots.  I have been deriving new satisfaction from utilizing the fruits of my labor. 

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