Monday, November 3, 2014

Squash, Tomato, Kale... a great combo

A great Fall recipe using three of my main harvested crops... winter squash, tomatoes, and kale... Squash-topped Shepherd's Pie.  I used frozen kale, canned tomatoes, and frozen squash.  Maybe next year I'll have enough of my own onions to supply that portion as well.  And, in a few years, who knows, maybe I'll have my own garden beef as well.

Squash-topped Shepherd's Pie

Ground beef
salt and pepper
Cheese or fondue

Brown the beef with the onion and some salt and pepper in a skillet.  Add some flour and stir.  Add kale and tomato and simmer until thickened.  Place in the bottom of a casserole dish and top with cooked winter squash.  Top that with cheese or fondue (see squash fondue recipe).  Broil for 15 minutes or until the cheese is browned. 

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