Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tomato Jam

Ok, I'm calling it.  September 2, 2014 - peak of the cherry tomato harvest.  Based on quantities and weather, I think this is the max I'll see this year.  Which is neither a good nor bad thing.  I welcome garden abundance. However, all good things must come to an end.  Today I had one bowl of cherry tomatoes in the kitchen.  I picked two more out of the garden. And I could have gotten a third.  Not a bad day.

What did I do with all those tomatoes?  Well, pat on the back to me, they are NOT still hanging around in bowls.  I roasted 5 cookie sheets worth.  I replenished my salsa fresca.  And the rest I made into tomato jam.  "Tomato jam?" you say, "What on Earth is that?"  Well, my friends.  It is not a spread-on-your-toast kind of jam, rest assured.  This is a sweet, tangy, sometimes spicy addition to panini or eggs that adds that extra somethin'somethin'.  This is when you want something a bit more special than ketchup.  This is Tomato Jam!  Here is the recipe I used.

Tomato Jam

Tomatoes, halved or peeled
Lemon juice, splash
Brown sugar and/or pectin (to thicken)
Red chilli flakes (to taste)

Heat all ingredients together.  Simmer to thicken.  Can.  Viola!

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