Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What to do with all those Zucchini?

So far, in my house-holding life, I have not had to deal with mountains of zucchini.  Last year, I had one plant that produced a zucchini or two every couple days and it was a beautiful relationship.  This year, I had NO zucchini come up!  I was pretty bummed about missing out on that delicious part of summer until I connected with my two beautiful sister-in-laws who are both battling zucchini wars of their own.  I am more than happy to take any excess zucchini off their hands, but then I end up with a mountain at my house.  A happy problem to have.

Tonight I tried something new.  Zucchini Medallions.  Great idea!  You basically chop your zucchini into two inch rounds and scoop out a cup in one side.  You then fill as desired - tonight we did chopped salami, brown rice, a bit of tomato sauce, a bit of onion, and feta - and grill!  I grilled them pretty hot for 15 - 20 minutes, the filling heated up, the medallions softened, and they were a big hit.  I ended up filling three zucchini this way, and we only had three medallions left.

Zucchini Medallions

chop and mix:
     Brown Rice
     bit of tomato sauce to make it stick together

Scoop zucchini out to form a cup.  Fill cup, pressing filling down and heaping up.  Grill at high heat for 20 minutes.

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