Saturday, August 9, 2014

Grilled Peach Bruschetta

I don't have any peach trees at my house, but Oregon grows some delicious peaches.  A few weeks ago, we went down the road to pick Dixie Gems- which we were told were some of the best.  They were so ripe that some of them were falling apart.  I bought 37! It only took about 20 minutes to pick all them with a 2 and 4 year old helping.  The trees were just the right size for their easy reach.  No ladders needed.  TK Orchards in Aurora

When I got home, I separated the peaches into over-ripe, just-right, and ripe-in-a-day-or-two.  The over-ripe ones I washed, cut out the stone, and put in the fridge with some sugar sprinkled on top.  They, of course, turned to mush which I later turned into peach jam- yum!  The just-right ones we cut in half and grilled to make amazing Grilled Peach Bruschetta.

Grilled Peach Bruschetta


Cream cheese
Salt and Pepper
Blue cheese

French bread

Grill the peaches skin side up until grill marks appear.  Mix cheeses and herbs and spread on cut baguette.  Top with peaches.  Enjoy!

2015... Local Peach Comparison... the peach saga continues

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