Wednesday, November 11, 2015


October was a beet - harvesting month for me.  Beets grow continuously through the year, but tend to be happiest in the cooler months.  Beets are one of those veggies that can get a bit "earthy" tasting (aka "tastes like dirt") and so folks either love'em or hate'em.  I do tend to love'em and here's how I love to eat'em:  Beets and Bacon, Boiled Beets, Simple Pickled Beets, (Beet Relish to come)

Beets and Bacon
by Gretchen Gingerich

Beets, peeled and chopped
Onion, chopped
Garlic, minced
Beet greens, chopped (optional)
Bacon, cooked and crumbled.

Saute the beets and onion with a dash of salt (I prefer to use bacon fat to saute).  After the beets soften, add the garlic and cook until garlic browns.  Add the beet greens and cook until they wilt.  Finish with crumbled bacon. 

Boiled Beets
by Gretchen Gingerich

This is a classic way to enjoy beets.  Can be served plain or with butter.


Remove the top and bottom of the beets.  Boil in water until soft (about 20 minutes).  Remove from hot water, place into cold water, and peel.

Simple Pickled Beets
adapted from Pickled Pantry- Andrea Chesman- 2012
by Gretchen Gingerich
makes 8 pints

This is simply a beet-pickle.  A simple pickle for a simple vegetable.

18-20 Beets
4 Cups cider vinegar
1 Cup water
2/3 Cup sugar
2 Tbsp sea salt

Remove the top and bottom of the beets.  Boil in water until skin becomes soft (about 15 minutes).  Remove from hot water, place into cold water, and peel.  Leave the beets whole, cut into wedges, or chunk.  Pack the beets into canning jars, leaving 1/2 inch head-space.

Meanwhile, combine vinegar, water, sugar, and salt in a saucepan and bring to a boil.  Once the sugar dissolves, pour the mixture over the canned beets, leaving 1/2 inch head-space.

Process in a hot-water bath for 30 minutes according to conventional USDA canning recommendations.

Let rest for 6 weeks before eating (for full flavor to develop).

There is also Beet Relish which is a sweet, aromatic, type relish.  I'm still developing my recipe for this one.  Haven't quite gotten it to where I like it yet.

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