Thursday, September 3, 2015

Fall is in the Air - Applesauce

Nothing says, "Fall" quite like the smell of applesauce slowly simmering away in the house.  And, for us Pacific North-westerners, That wonderfully, fresh smell to the air when the rains finally return.  The Summer's dust has finally been washed away and we can breath again.

This year I made my applesauce in a crock-pot.  All the steps are the same:  peel, core, slice, reduce, season...  it just is a bit of a slower pace so that I can make it an all-day project and do it in chunks of time as they become available (those with little ones will understand this strategy).

Last year, I had an extra hand and was able to do my batches more efficiently.

This year, my son and I picked about 10 gallons of apples.  It took me two days to get them all put-up but it ended up being just over 6 quarts in the end.

One addition this year is an attempt to make Apple Cider Vinegar from the scraps.  I will let you know how that goes. 

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