Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Crazy- Christmas Story of Hope

 Advent... day 5

Imagine the holy family on Christmas morning.  Take a close look.  Zoom in to the parents, tired but excited by the miracle of birthing a new life.  They have no idea what they are getting into.
Do we ever?

Today's crazy Christmas thought... imperfect humans raising God's son.

Once upon a time, God made a perfect world, put his children into it, and the kids messed it up.

I can relate, can you?

But... like a good parent, God used those children to slowly (and clumsily) clean up the mess and make it right.

God could easily have said, "forget it, I'm going to do it myself," wiped the slate clean, and started over. But he didn't. He chose, and still chooses, to use us, imperfect humans to do his important work.

The thing is, we can't be perfect. But we can be perfected.
Through partnership.

Mary didn't decide to buck-up and create a baby savior. She partnered. She participated. She submitted (oh, how we hate that word!).
But that is how the work gets done.
That is how this mess gets clean.
That is how we go from rejected to reconciled.

That is God's crazy story of hope. That we don't have to be perfect, we only have to be willing.

Next time you pass a nativity, take an extra look at those two parents- imperfect but jumping into the deep end (willingly).

#crazychristmasstory #advent #advent2020 #welcomechristmas #hope #imperfecthumans #imperfectbutwilling #willingness #pouredoutlife