Monday, July 13, 2015

The plan seems to be working

Back in April I had a plan.  I mounded, I weeded, I planted, I watered, I discovered a few things. 

1. Squash transplant ok, but they do MUCH better if directly seeded.

2. I can save old gourds and even if they get mushy and moldy, the seeds are still good inside.  I had a few gourds that I just didn't get around to cutting open.  So I just put them on the mound and broke them open and they sprouted just fine.

3. Zucchini are awesome!  I know they can get out of control easily, but they are one of the first edible squash to produce, which is exciting, they are prolific, which is exciting, and you can easily coerce young children to check them daily (but not to eat them- that is another story).  Plus, zucchini pickles are awesome... recipe to come. 

4. This dry Spring in Oregon was NOT conducive to cucumbers sprouting.  I don't know what my deal was but I planted cucumbers 3 times before they finally took!  Now I have about 8 plants, so I'm content.

5. I LOVE squash.  It is absolutely AMAZING how quickly they grow- literally before your eyes.  One plant will have visibly grown inches over the course of a day.  Absolutely AMAZING!

6. I also planted corn and sunflowers on each mound.  The sunflowers didn't do anything, but the corn seems happy.  We shall see.  

And that is it.  I left many of the weeds (after digging, mowing, and weeding for 6-or-so weeks) but I don't' really mind them.  What do you see in the garden?  The weeds or the veggies???

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